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Apples, along with bananas and oranges provides nowadays 2/3 of the global harvest.

Apple is a fruit with many useful properties, it is a symbol of rebirth and eternal freshness. Due to its varieties and capacities of acclimatization to different environmental conditions, the apple is grown in almost all regions of the world. This fruit, along with oranges and bananas, represents the third largest fruits crop in the world and it is ranked as the first in terms of consumption.

In the Republic of Moldova and Romania, the range of apples varieties is very large as it includes the varieties developed by various specialized institutions and varieties brought from abroad and adapted to local conditions. Here we’ll try to describe briefly the most popular and most commonly grown varieties in Moldova and around the world.

Jonathan Varieties

This is one of the most popular varieties for fresh consumption. Jonathan has its origins in the United States and is now one of the most commonly grown groups of varieties. It has good adaptability to any type of soil and different climatic conditions. The fruit is red, with an average size of 120 g, has a perfect sugar / acidity balance and a strong, specific aroma. It ripens after September 15. Fruits are resistant to handling and transportation and can be used in industry, especially for the production of juices.

Golden Delicious Varieties

These varieties starting with second year provide abundant harvest, but the trees have a tendency to overload. Fruits are attractive, yellow-green, medium or large in size, with yellowish flesh, sweet, slightly sour and very aromatic. They can be well preserved and suitable for transportation.

Red Delicious Varieties

These varieties are the first in the world in terms of production. Also, this is the most important variety of apples grown in the United States, surpassing Jonathan and are in second place in Italy, after Golden Delicious. The fruits are 150-200 g, have conical and elongated shape, red color with varying intensity and dark stripes. The fruit is quite sweet, have a strong flavor, is resistant to transportation and long-term storage.

Jonagold Varieties

This is an early maturing variety with large fruits of 220-250 g, slightly conical, yellow-green, covered with light red spots by 30-45%. They can be stored up to 7-8 months and are suitable for processing. The fruits ripen in late September, and harvesting is carried out in 2-3 stages.

Idared Varieties

This varieties occupy 2% of world apples production. Its fruits are medium to large in size - 170-200 g, round, bi-colored, covered with a thin wax coating. The taste slightly sour and they can be stored until June or July.

The most popular varieties resistant to diseases

Since 1990, farmers and specialists actively began to create and grow new varieties of apples with genetic resistance to diseases, in particular, to scab and powdery mildew. We will try to present some of them:

Prima - an American variety, which blooms at about the same time as Jonathan varieties. Its productivity is 35-40 t / ha. The fruits are red, attractive, resistant to handling and transportation and suitable for use in fresh consumtpion, as well as in industry.

Florina - Italian variety with abundant fruiting. Its productivity is 35-40 t / ha, with a tendency to periodicity. Fruits are resistant to handling and transportation, but long-term storage leads to the loss of their succulence.

Topaz - a newly created variety from the Czech Republic. The fruit is medium to large in size - 150-200 g, of spherical shape. The rind is yellow, covered with dark red spots and stripes. The flesh is yellow, juicy, aromatic, with a slightly sweet-sour. During long-term storage these apples are losing their elasticity.

Romus 3 is considered one of the most valuable groups of summer varieties which rippens in the second decade of July. The tree is not very large, but it brings a stable and productive harvest. It begins to produce crops after 3rd year.

Romus 4 – a variety with average productivity, with the medium sized fruits of 130-150 g, flattened shape, red on 2/3 of surface, the pulp is juicy and refreshing. These apples ripen in late August and can be stored until October.

photo source: dvo.com