  • Biblion

    Biblion LLC

  • Location mun. Chișinău, bul. Ștefan cel Mare, 184
  • Founded 2003
  • Phone + 373 22 23-53-63
  • Products

    Books, encyclopedias, writing books, teaching materials, textbooks, brochures

  • URL


Biblion company has reliable partnership relations with dozens of publishers in Russia, Romania, Moldova. Its representatives are constantly researching the market to keep abreast of the appearance of the best, newest books and are trying to deliver them as quickly as possible to the shelves of Biblion stores.

The company is very proud of its own books created from scratch and constantly tries to cooperate with the best authors, illustrators and designers. With special joy were sold notebooks for writing, hardcover books and talking primer, which at the moment has no analogues.



Company Stores

  • 62 Stefan cel Mare bd., Chisinau business hours: 10.00-19.00
  • 184 Ștefan cel Mare bd., Chisinau business hours: 10.00-19.30
  • 75 Vlaicu Pârcălab str., Chisinau business hours: 10.00-18.00
  • 5 Miron Costin str.,Chisinau business hours: 10.00-18.00
  • 34 Independenței str., Bălți business hours: 9.00-19.00

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